
We are an independent and non-partisan group of trade policy experts from various backgrounds – law, civil service, journalism, academia, civil society - committed to improving the quality of public debate about international trade and investment policy in the United Kingdom.

We aim to promote evidence-based policy and engage a wider audience of people interested in the future of UK trade as it leaves the European Union.

Topics on the table

  • The UK’s trading relationship with the European Union
  • The UK in the World Trade Organization
  • Trade negotiations with third countries
  • The interaction between UK domestic policies and its international trade policy
  • Customs, tariffs, services, investment, cross-border regulatory issues, dispute settlement, and a lot more

Our blog is an independent platform feeding into the wider debate about Britain’s future in the global trading system. It was founded in the summer 2017, is overseen by a steering committee of trade experts and moderated by Rob Adam and Iana Dreyer.